Thursday 30 January 2014


As I search my mind in a bid to find what to write about on my first “patriotic” series, I am faced with a few options; integrity, discipline, and values. Just when I thought I’ll be writing on integrity, a seemingly better idea came to mind and that is what this article is all about.
Few days ago, I logged unto Facebook (I try to keep track on what’s going on in people’s life), scrolled through the updates and something caught my attention. It was the diamond bank centenary challenge.
The competition required a not more than 100-word article highlighting what makes you a true Nigerian.
I think and believe that this simple question “what makes you a true Nigerian” is the basics and foundation of patriotism. Patriotism is gotten from the word patriot: it means a proud supporter or defender of his/her own country and way of life. If you are wondering: “what has being a true Nigerian got to do with Patriotism?” I will try to explain.
It is expedient that we identify who we truly are, what makes us who we are, and what values we hold. When we fail to answer these questions, we jump at anything presented to us. A branch cannot survive alone. In the same way we need to identify our roots, we need to identify what makes us true Nigerians.
Is it the fact that things are hard yet you cope? Is it the endless lies from our politicians? Is it the supposed cowardice of the average Nigerian? Is it the “na our brother leave am to chop the money” mentality? Is it the injustice? Is it the epileptic power supply? Is it the large inequality between the rich and the poor? Are these the things that make you a true Nigerian?
Back to our definition of Patriotism: a defender. What is there to defend when we’ve lost track of our values? What is there to defend when the common man sees himself as someone without rights? What is there to defend when our youths cannot stand head-high and say no to social and political vices because they’ve been smitten by the reality of unemployment. You are not far from the truth if these are the thoughts going through your mind.
In conclusion, Patriotism is not an in-born trait, patriotism is learned and taught. The values we set as parents, as teachers, as pastors, as imams, as elder brothers and sisters, as managers, as entrepreneurs, as business people, as employees, they determine whether we are patriotic or not. The answers we give to what makes us true Nigerians determines if we are patriotic or not. Patriotism is just a big word: support what is right, know your values and rights and defend them, this is Patriotism.
Patriotism begins with you!
I will like to end with this question “what makes you a true Nigerian?”
Post by: Saudu Clement
Bbm: 265629cb
Stiring Patiotism in Nigeria
Our dream is to raise a generation of patriots in Nigeria.


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